Quincy - Stormer of an act. Always goes down well. "the entire room hangs on the big man's every line" - The Scotsman
Ricky Balshaw - A brilliant joke-smith and storyteller, this young man has comedy greatness in his bones.
Dominic Woodward - “Dominic has a keen eye for observational comedy and genuine funny bones.” - BBC Online
Sully O'Sullivan - "a blast of hilarity"� Manchester Evening News
We bring you four different acts at every Standard Saturday show including some of the best up & coming comperes and headliners from the UK & abroad. We open from 6.45pm so you can have a pre show chat and grab some drinks from the bar. Our shows start at 8pm, so you get your laughs in then make further plans for the night, your ticket includes entry into Rosies after the show.
“Consistently boasting the most interesting line ups in the country”
The Times
All bookings are subject to a booking fee on the checkout page