Oliver Meech -
2013's sell-out smash, upgraded. Expect amazing tricks inspired by astounding science. Oliver meddles with forces we barely understand, in a comedy magic show for the QI generation. It's the natural selection! ‘My jaw hit the floor’ (BBC). ‘Could rival Derren Brown’ (Theatre-Wales.co.uk). ‘Hilarious’ (Buxton Fringe). **** (Broadway Baby). Sell-out run: Edinburgh Fringe 2013 & 2014. Plus sell-out performances in London, Brighton Fringe, Buxton Fringe, Brighton Science Festival and Green Man Festival. Magic Consultant: Discovery Channel. Performer: London 2012 Olympics. Recommended by the Metro and Time Out. YouTube trailer: www.bit.ly/omeech. Ages 7-107.
“Consistently boasting the most interesting line ups in the country”
The Times
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