Nina Gilligan - “A hidden gem of the Circuit” Kiri Pritchard McLean
Sam Avery - "A comic you just know is gonna be big."
Henry Micheal - “A judicious approach to swearing” - Notts Comedy Review.
Dave Longley - One of our favourites, and a regular compere at a few of our clubs. "Acid tongued and as sharp as a barrel full of tacks" - The List
9 O'Clock Show
Just the Tonic has been producing comedy shows in Nottingham for over 25 years. We have now found a new home in Metronome. Described by many comedians as one of the best comedy venues in the country. With Just the Tonic's notorious reputation for the best comedy line ups in the country... you can be sure you are getting one of the best nights in town...We bring you four different acts at every Standard Saturday show including some of the best up & coming comperes and headliners from the UK & abroad. We open from 8pm so you can have a pre show chat and grab some drinks from the bar. Our show starts at 9pm, so you get your laughs in then make further plans for the night.
“Consistently boasting the most interesting line ups in the country”
The Times
All bookings are subject to a booking fee on the checkout page