Just the Tonic Comedy Club Clinton Baptise Special - Reading

- Just the Tonic Reading, Reading
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Clinton Baptiste - as seen on PETER KAY’S PHOENIX NIGHTS...
Jessie Nixon - “She doesn’t remind me of anyone I’ve seen before, which is a good sign. And she makes me laugh.” Beyond the Joke
Ashish Suri -
Dani Johns - “Instantly likeable with strong gags to back it up” - Kerfuffle Comedy

We bring you four different acts at every Standard Saturday show including some of the best up & coming comperes and headliners from the UK & abroad.

We open from 6.15pm so you can have a pre show chat and grab some drinks from the bar. Our shows start at 7.30pm, so you get your laughs in then make further plans for the night - your ticket includes entry into Popworld after the show.



“Consistently boasting the most interesting line ups in the country”

The Times

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Booking fee £1.60

All bookings are subject to a booking fee on the checkout page